Strategic Partnership - Rocky Mountain Institute

Today, Spherical | Analytics is proud to announce our strategic partnership relationship with Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI). We are jointly united and strategically focused on making greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions visible, and accountable, on a global scale. We’re creating the new platinum standard for measuring energy industry impact. The RMI vote of confidence in our technology and platform means the world to us, as we combine our strengths to make a material impact.

With this partnership, RMI will provide its subject matter expertise, global brand, and industry access. This will be integrated with the leading-edge Data Fabric Platform from S|A and Context Labs, Immutably™, leveraging our EdgeShare™ machine-learning ingestion engine to build contextual insights with Asset Grade Data. Our Impact Analytics™ AI-driven insight engine will provide the highest degree of ESG-related granularity. One strategic outcome is a “New ESG,” that is empirically data-driven, granular to the firm level, and real-time.

To read the full press release, click here: Spherical | Analytics and Rocky Mountain Institute Announce Strategic Partnership

The global economy faces a significant crisis with myriad challenges posed by the coronavirus and its effect in slowing the global economy. Combined with geopolitical instability and a growing call to stop consumption of non-renewable fossil fuels, the energy industry faces a pivotal tipping point. 

The confluence of these significant external forces include:

  • The global COVID-19 pandemic

  • Volatile market prices

  • Mounting debt and borrowing

  • The ever-decreasing demand for, and popularity of, non-renewable energy and its well-documented contributions to climate change

For the energy industry to survive this latest crisis and continue its transition, operators will need trusted data to evidence their climate impact, their sustainable operations, and their progress towards decarbonizing. For financiers and risk / insurance organizations to continue to fund these operators, the data they report out has to be trusted.

Through our machine learning-enabled Data Fabric platform, Immutably™, Asset Grade Data, is generated to provide the highest resolution, frequency, and quality intel from upstream, midstream, and downstream assets with multiple sources of ambient, contextual data. By addressing these Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) output metrics, operators can enable themselves to remain simultaneously profitable and sustainable.

Stay tuned for more news about our strategic partnership in the coming weeks.

To learn more about RMI, visit them at: