Trusted Data

The Economic Payoffs of Infrastructure Investment Panel – Wednesday, May 12th at 11:00 AM ET

The Economic Payoffs of Infrastructure Investment Panel – Wednesday, May 12th at 11:00 AM ET

Spherical Analytics’ Chief Business Officer, Chris Rezendes, will be participating in a panel on infrastructure entitled, “The Economic Payoffs of Infrastructure Investment” on Wednesday, May 12th at 11:00 AM ET.

The panel will address the debate over the cost of infrastructure investment in the context of the expected results and impact on the competitiveness of the economy. Chris will be joining moderator Hank Torbert from The Frontier along with panelists Yuri Estrada from Carlyle Group, Max Wolf from Systematic Ventures, and Chris Bonanti from RWV Consulting and former Chief of Staff of the US Railroad Administration.

Disclosure, Transparency, and Completeness in Oil and Gas Operations

Disclosure, Transparency, and Completeness in Oil and Gas Operations

Major oil and gas operations have climate impact far beyond simply extracting the fuel or burning it in a car. A complex supply chain removes these raw materials, refines them into new forms, and ships them all over the globe. This value chain can be broken down into three distinct categories:

Context Labs Featured by Gartner as a Leading Trend for 2021 “Trust in Supply Chain”- Driven by ESG Goals

Context Labs Featured by Gartner as a Leading Trend for 2021 “Trust in Supply Chain”- Driven by ESG Goals

We’re excited to announce that our parent company, Context Labs (CXL), was recently featured by Gartner announcing three key trends they see for 2021, by Distinguished VP Analyst Avivah Litan.

Trust in data is clearly a major problem to be solved, and our aim is to allow the world to have trusted data, enabling better and faster decision-making. The Context Labs Immutably™ platform underlies trust in supply chains, by being an integrative data fabric to build what we call Asset Grade Data (AGD).